Sunday 13 September 2009

a blog?

Slightly cheesy right, like what do I have to say thats so important?? Well some things have come up so here goes.

This is JIZI.... and collectables. I called it that because it stands for something, its got nothing to do with JayZ haha. 

What I do: I make handmade jewelry using semi precious stones, gold, silver, platinum, and lovely little vintage trinkets that I find on my travels AND pearls pearls pearls loads of them.
On my FB fanpage there's a 'mission' field and it says: To adorn one and all with little tea cups... :)

So I guess thats all, if you stumble across this and are interested in getting some handmade shizzle for any occasion msg me, or if you have any questions about anything - even why chewing gum has ground up marble on top of it just aaaaask xxx 


  1. All the cool kids have blogs! Welcome :)

    You need to get your stuff up on somewhere like Etsy! There are some nice 'plugins' that import stuff from your Etsy store for the sidebar over there -->

  2. Thaaanks sebastian, i have an etsy shop haha but i got bored of it after i opened the acct. I wana do like a big launch party as opposed to selling things one by one (which i welcome, paradox) I have loads of stuff in mind...

  3. Well, as long as people can BUY (by phoning you?), I guess it doesn't matter. If people can't just buy, on impulse, then you might lose sales (which is what online shops are so good at -- they are always open...!)

    Launch party sounds cool!
